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TELUS International AI Data Solutions

Remote  Part-time  Entry level

Remote Audio Collection

TELUS International is looking for Native Hindi-English Speakers to participate in a speech recording project.

Task Description:

Participants are asked to record 200 prompts related to shopping using the TIAI mobile app in a remote session at home. Participants need to read the prompts out loud in a clear, natural manner and follow the provided script 100% as if interacting with a voice assistant.

Participants who complete the assignment on time and according to requirements (upon TIAI’s approval) will be invited to participate in the next rounds of the collection (in total 7 rounds are planned in 2024).

Task Duration:

Session length will be 2 hours per month.

Start Date: Immediately


  • Native Hindi and English speaker (India)
  • Excellent (Native) Hindi and English reading abilities
  • Age: 18+


  • $28.80 per task
  • Payments will be issued through our TELUS International AI Community Platform

 If you have any questions or would like to know more details about this project, don’t hesitate to contact us at datasourcing@telusinternational.ai

Audio Data Collection Project – Hindi info- Linkedin

Remote Audio Collection- Apply Form Link

जॉईन करा Whatsapp वरhttps://wa.openinapp.link/ufn1x
जॉईन टेलिग्राम ग्रुपhttps://t.me/iconikMarathimotivation
मला मेसेज करा https://ig.me/j/AbYXlahtFJxHnFRi/
आपली वेबसाईटhttps://iconikmarathi.com/
ai टूल्स साठी https://yt.openinapp.co/iconik2

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